The Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, has been stirring up controversy ever since it’s release. Some experts are saying that its graphic displays of suicide and rape are not only triggering, but dangerous, especially considering the target audience is young adults.
Please use self-care when choosing what TV shows and movies to watch. Stories of trauma can make you feel worse. If you are hurting, it helps to take positive action and connect with someone who cares. If you or someone you know is in pain, here are 13 reminders why everyone deserves to feel safe and loved.
- Because you do not deserve to be hurt, not by anyone, not even yourself;
- Because you deserve the same compassion, kindness, and love that
everyone else does, and that you would give to a friend; - Because if you hurt yourself, you are reinforcing what your abusers or people who put you down told you, and none of that is true;
- Because killing yourself robs the world of all of your potential, and
your story is not finished yet; - Because you have a voice and a right to be heard;
- Because there are safer, gentler ways to find some relief and you
deserve to find those ways; - Because even if you do not believe it, killing yourself will hurt the
people who truly love you; - Because you deserve to be treated gently and with love, not with hate;
- Because you will hurt your body and your body is not to blame
for anything; - Because it’s better and kinder to reach out to others and get support,
or to find inner resources to rely on, rather than add to your own
hurt and torment or loss in the world; - Because one day you will see the beauty in yourself and know that you should be treated with care;
- Because you are lovable and loved, and deserve to be treated with love;
- Because things will get better, and you will find more of what you need.
Help is always just a call away. If you or someone you love is feeling suicidal, reach our for help:
Safe Connections 24-Hour Crisis Helpline: 314.531.2003
Kids Under Twenty One: 314.644.KUTO
The Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ Youth: 1.866.4.U.TREVOR
Behavioral Health Response Crisis Helpline 314.569.6644
Adapted from http://www.cherylrainfield.com/freebies/reasons-not-to-hurt-yourself-handout.pdf by Cheryl Rainfield
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