Ouch. A quick yet poignant look (only 43 seconds) at how a little girl is hurt when her mom gets hurt. Thanks to The Huffington Post and reporter Eleanor Goldberg for sharing this powerful PSA released by a Swiss nonprofit, Frauenzentrale Zürich.
*Studies show that females who are exposed to domestic violence as kids are more likely to become victims when they grow up. And the chances of men hurting their partners increase three to fourfold if they experience violence as children, compared to men who don’t, according to the World Health Organization.
If you know of a child who lives in a home where mom is abused, there are ways to help and support both the mom and child without putting them at further risk of violence. To talk with someone who cares and who is trained to help you, please contact the Safe Connections 24-hour Crisis Helpline at 314.531.2003.
*citation from Eleanor Goldberg’s post on Huffington Post blog
Read Goldberg’s full blog post accompanying the PSA on the Huffington Post site
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