Automated Monthly Gifts
Join the Sustainers Circle online now in order to make an immediate impact on our clients. Use a credit card, debit card, or checking account to donate.
NAP Credits
Safe Connections helps reduce business taxes! Our tax credit program with the Missouri Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) allows businesses to reduce Missouri state income tax obligations. Additionally, NAP allows you to claim 50% of your donation as a Missouri State Tax Credit. Furthermore, these tax credits come directly from your bottom-line state income tax obligation in addition to your standard federal tax deduction. For more information or a NAP application, check the NAP Facts Sheet or contact Cynthia Danley at 314.646.7500 x110.
Employer Matching
Does your employer offer matching gifts to charitable organizations you support? We provide the administrative support necessary to double your donation through your place of business.
Gifts of Stock
Safe Connections welcomes gifts of stock. Please have your financial adviser or stockbroker notify us in order to make a stock gift. Furthermore, your contribution will be the full value of the worth of the stock at the time you make your donation.
Planned Giving
Safe Connections is happy to help you with your estate bequest. While you arrange or update your will, please consider remembering Safe Connections.
Mail a Donation
Your check can be sent directly to our office at the address below. Please indicate with your gift if it is being given in memory or honor of a friend or loved one, then indicate the address to which we can send an acknowledgment of the gift.
Safe Connections
2165 Hampton Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63139
Getting Started
Learn more about the specific gifting opportunities above. Contact Cynthia Danley at 314.646.7500 x110.
Safe Connections reduces the impact and incidence of relationship violence and sexual assault in the St. Louis community. As an independent, private, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we are proud to have our work sustained through a diverse array of donors. Individual friends, government and foundation grantors, corporate underwriters, special event sponsors and participants, and the United Way of Greater St. Louis all support our work. Additionally, all donations to Safe Connections are tax deductible and Missouri tax credits are available for businesses. (See NAP credits above.)
In summary, Safe Connections empowers St. Louis area survivors and young people to build safe and violence-free lives with your help.