Helplines / Hotlines
Safe Connections Crisis Helpline – 314.531.2003
St. Louis Regional Sexual Assault Hotline – 314.531.7273
Life Crisis-Suicide/Crisis Hotline – 314.647.4357
Kids Under Twenty One (KUTO) – 314.644.5886
Elder Abuse Hotline – 800.392.0210
Child Abuse Hotline – 800.392.3738
Domestic Violence and Rape Hotline – 800.392.0210
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline – 888.331.9474
United Way of Greater St. Louis Information Line – 211
National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline – 1-888-373-7888
SAWEERA (South Asian Women Empowerment Regional Association) 877.729.3722
St. Louis Region Advocacy Services
ALIVE – 314.993.7080
Professional therapy for women, children and men; court advocacy
AWARE – 314.362.9273
Hospital Advocacy; court advocacy
Bridgeway Sexual Assault Center – 636.224.1203
Professional advocacy for women; hospital advocacy
Bridgeway Domestic Violence Services – 636.224.1038
Shelter; therapy for women and children; court advocacy
Kathy J. Weinman Shelter for Battered Women and Their Children – 314.423.1117
Shelter services
The L.E.A.D. Institute – 573.445.5005
(Leadership through Education and Advocacy for the Deaf) Court advocacy; hospital advocacy; therapy; ASL fluency
Life Source Consultants – 314.524.0686
Court advocacy; spiritual counseling
Lydia’s House – 314.771.4411
Transitional housing; court advocacy; adult education
Redevelopment Opportunities for Women (ROW) – 314.588.8300
Economic education and advocacy; adult education
St. Martha’s Hall – 314.533.1313
Shelter services; court advocacy
SAWERAA – 314.435.3722 Main Office
(South Asian Women’s Empowerment Regional Association) Motel placement; court advocacy; support groups
Woman’s Place – 314.645.4848
Drop-in center; court advocacy; support groups
The Women’s Safe House – 314.772.4535
Shelter services; court advocacy
YWCA St. Louis Regional Sexual Assault Center – 314.726.6665
Professional therapy for women and men; hospital advocacy; court advocacy
Legal Services
Lasting Solutions/Legal Services of Eastern Missouri – 314.534.4200
Pro bono legal representation for civil cases including divorce and custody
Legal Advocates for Abused Women (LAAW) – 314.664.6699
Pro bono legal representation; court and legal advocacy
St Charles County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office—Victims of Crime Assistance Program – 636.949.7370
Assistance with protective orders, crisis intervention and legal advocacy
St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Victim Services – 314.622.4373
Court advocacy
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office—Victim Service Division – 314.615.4872
Court advocacy
U.S. Attorney’s Office of Eastern Missouri – 314.539.2200
Court advocacy
Services for Perpetrators
Bridgeway Alternatives to Violence and Abuse Program (AVA) – 636.224.1210
Individual counseling for court-ordered abuse; batterer intervention programming
Provident Counseling – 314.371.6500
Batterer intervention groups; services for sex offenders
Bullying UK
This internet site provides bullying information and guidelines for dealing with all aspects of bullying. Help for parents, students, legal advice, and school projects.
Children’s Advocacy Project-CAP4Kids
Exciting website designed to link families with social service agencies that improve the lives of children.
Choose Respect
This site allows teens to look at ways to from healthy relationships. There are various activities to engage in ranging form quizzes to making a music video.
Domestic Violence Resource Library
This provides a comprehensive list of all kinds of domestic violence resources that are divided by location, audience, and type (i.e. legal vs. shelter). This helps anyone find specific resources very quickly.
Guide to Domestic Abuse Information and Web Resources
This list breaks down the different types of domestic abuse and lists specific resources for each one.
Family Watch Dog
This is a national sex offender website that allows people to search by their address to locate sex offenders in their neighborhoods. Visitors can also take quizzes and view safety strategies. A great site for teens and parents alike.
Love Is Not Abuse
This site was launched by Liz Claiborne, Inc. to heighten awareness of, and encourage social change on relationship violence: sexual violence, domestic abuse, elder abuse.
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCADSV)
Missouri’s coalition website that offers resources and information on what’s going on in Missouri regarding domestic and sexual violence.
Men Can Stop Rape
A website that supports young men’s capacity to challenge harmful aspects of traditional masculinity, to value alternative visions of male strength, and to embrace their vital role as allies with women and girls in fostering healthy relationships and gender equity.
Love is Respect
Telephone and Web-based interactive technology to reach teens and young adults experiencing dating abuse. Trained peer volunteers between ages of 18 and 24 answer the helpline during peak hours.
National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet)
Provides public web based collection of advocacy-based electronic resources on domestic and sexual violence. Materials include research papers, fact sheets, federal and state funding information and program development materials.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
Provides a comprehensive web based library database to collect and distribute information, statistics, and resources related to all forms of sexual violence.
Out, Proud and Healthy in Missouri
A statewide effort to raise awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer health disparities in Missouri and connect people with resources and community.
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR)
Innovative and creative public awareness materials to educate parents and adults about sexual violence.
The Rape Abuse Incest National Network is the nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization.
SafePlace Teen Site
This site is hosted by SafePlace: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survival Center in Austin, Texas and provides information on dating and sexual violence, sexual harassment, and healthy relationships.
That’s Not Cool
Interactive site for teens to learn about and discuss healthy relationships.