October typically marks the beginning of the holiday season, with Halloween right around the corner. It also marks the beginning of domestic violence awareness month.
It’s a scary fact that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience abuse from their significant others at some point in their lifetimes. So each of us know several someones who have experienced domestic abuse. They may not have told us what happened, but it still happened and continues to happen around us with alarming regularity.
Life is scary enough without living in fear of someone who is supposed to care for you. So what can you do to help make a difference?
Get Dialed In
Starting social change is easier than ever. Below are a few campaigns that you can be a part of during the month of October and easily pledge your support.
- Use the hashtag #TakeAStand and tell your online community how you’re taking a stand against domestic violence.
- Follow Safe Connections on Facebook or Twitter and share/retweet our content.
- Get involved with No More and NRCDV’s campaign to recognize abuse in it’s many forms and use the hashtag #ThisIsDV
Put the (your) Nail in It
National nonprofit, Safe Horizon teamed up with several celebrities to #PutTheNailinIt. By painting your left ring finger nail purple, you are making the vow to spread domestic violence awareness. So what are you waiting for? Snap a picture of your purple nail, share it on social media with the hashtag #PutTheNailinIt. Check out the moving stories of the celebrity activists involved.
Clothesline Project
Every year, Safe Connections participates in the annual Clothesline Project. The project is a collection of t-shirts that display the artwork of those who have experienced abuse, and are exhibited at a vigil to honor survivors. If you’re interested in making a t-shirt, drop by one of Safe Connections’ open houses on Tuesday, October 11, 5-7 p.m. or Saturday, October 15, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. RSVP to Megan at 314.646.7500 x141.
Survivors, as well as friends and family of survivors are welcome to make a t-shirt and attend the vigil on October 19, 6-7 p.m. behind St. Marks Church (map it).
Start the Conversation and Get Involved. Like, Now
Chat with a friend about the facts. Reach out to someone. Share an infographic. Volunteer at a local shelter or DV agency. Share this blog post. Post meaningful content on Facebook and Twitter and use the hashtag #DVAM. You CAN be a voice during October.
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