The domestic and sexual violence movement had some big wins in the latest legislative session, held from January 6- May 13, thanks to MCADSV’s advocacy. Ten bills were passed by the Missouri General Assembly that addressed issues involving domestic and sexual violence. These bills contained legislation that MCADSV had specifically identified as a priority. The bills are now awaiting approval to get signed into law by Gov. Jay Nixon. On Monday, June 6, the first of ten priority bills was signed into law. In the state of Missouri, domestic and sexual violence survivors will now have the ability to separate their cell phone numbers from plans shared with their abusers.
So what exactly was addressed during the latest legislative session?
Below is a brief overview of the issues addressed in the priority bills that passed:
- Protection Orders (signed into law)
- Sex Trafficking Offenses (signed into law)
- Victim Notification
- College/Universities MOUs
- Child Custody Laws
- Domestic Violence Crime Reporting
- Anti-Bullying
- Stalking Crimes (signed into law)
- Trafficking Victims
- Forensic Evidence in Child Sex Abuse Cases (signed into law)
- Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
- Elder Abuse Laws
- Expungement Process
If you want to see the entire description of each bill, check out the full legislative update on MSADSV’s website.
On top of the success of new bills in the legislature, the domestic violence movement in Missouri has another reason to celebrate. Gov. Jay Nixon signed all appropriations bills for the 2017 Fiscal Year that maintained current funding levels for all domestic and sexual violence grant programs. Funding for these grant programs will go into effect July 1, 2016.
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