My husband had a violent temper which he unleashed in unpredictable outbursts. His skills and connections honed through service in the military and police force made his threats and rage all the more intimidating. The violent, controlling behavior worsened as…
Safe Connections News

A day in the life of a Crisis Advocate…
It isn’t easy to explain what a day in the life of a crisis advocate looks like because this revolves around callers who may experience a crisis at any given moment. So, as you read and learn about what this particular Wednesday looked like, keep in mind that…

2019 Legislative Update: Domestic and Sexual Violence Under Missouri Law
The State of Missouri concluded its 2019 legislative session in May of this summer. There were some notable changes to existing legislation in addition to new laws that affect the way domestic and sexual violence are handled legally in Missouri….

9 Myths About Sexual Violence
The conversation about sexual violence has become more prominent in recent years, which is important in raising awareness and holding abusers accountable. However, there are several harmful myths about sexual violence that tend to circulate and make it harder for…

Types of Sexual Violence
Sexual violence can take many forms. The one thing that all sexual violence behaviors have in common is that they are an attempt by the perpetrator to force or manipulate another person into sexual acts without their expressed consent. It…

What to Know If/When Reporting a Sexual Assault
Survivors of sexual assault have options in deciding how they want to proceed after an assault. One of those options is to pursue justice in the legal system, through law enforcement and the courts. Reporting a sexual assault is a…

Technology Safety Tips for Survivors
Technology moves fast, and it can feel hard to keep up. Latest updates have allowed us to be more connected than ever with friends and loved ones from all over the world. Many of us have very personal details and…

Defining Domestic Violence
“Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence,…

How to Help a Friend or Loved One Who is Being Abused
Do you think someone you care about may be experiencing abuse? It can be difficult to know what to do when you feel a friend or family member is being abused, and each situation is different. Here are some do’s…