Tag: domestic violence

A day in the life of a Crisis Advocate…

It isn’t easy to explain what a day in the life of a crisis advocate looks like because this revolves around callers who may experience a crisis at any given moment. So, as you read and learn about what this particular Wednesday looked like, keep in mind that…

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2019 Legislative Update: Domestic and Sexual Violence Under Missouri Law

The State of Missouri concluded its 2019 legislative session in May of this summer. There were some notable changes to existing legislation in addition to new laws that affect the way domestic and sexual violence are handled legally in Missouri….

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Defining Domestic Violence

“Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence,…

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Types of Domestic Violence

When people think about what domestic violence looks like, they often think about it in terms of bruises and black eyes. While physical abuse is one of the most common forms of domestic violence, the reality is that domestic violence…

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Abuse in LGBTQ+ Relationships

Domestic abuse and sexual violence prevention movements have become stronger since these issues hit the public spotlight. Notable cultural shifts, like the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, Title IX advocacy, criminalization of marital rape, are clear signs that increased awareness and…

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What is a Healthy Teen Dating Relationship?

Navigating romantic relationships can be difficult at any age. Building and maintaining healthy romantic relationships is often a skill we build over time, developing as we grow and learn more about ourselves and others. Specifically, the added stress of surging…

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Yoga and Community Partnership Help Trauma Survivors

Thanks to its many physical, emotional and spiritual benefits, yoga has gained significant popularity over the past decade. It has become more accessible and less intimidating. More and more, research supports yoga as an effective and holistic tool in a…

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