Human trafficking has a misleading reputation as something that only happens overseas…That is not the case. As a form of modern day slavery it exists within the United States as a multi-million dollar industry. Victims of human trafficking are coerced…
Tag: prevention

Get to Know Prevention Educator Natalie
Safe Connections Staffer Highlight June 22, 2018, St. Louis, MO Prevention Education at Safe Connections is celebrating it’s 30th birthday in 2018, so we wanted to give our readers an inside take on what it’s like to be a prevention…

Life After Wanting to Die
Young, Smart, Privileged…and Suicidal June 22, 2018, St. Louis, MO Words by Rachael Krajewski The Netflix show 13 Reasons Why recently debuted its second season, shining the public spotlight on teen suicide. The show does a lot of things. Not…

My Journey to Become a Blogger at Safe Connections
Feb. 13, 2018, St. Louis, MO—This is my first blog post at Safe Connections. The plan is to contribute content regularly, so I’d like to introduce myself in the hopes that you might feel some connection with me and decide…

Raise Awareness of Teen Dating Violence in February #TDVM
Feb. 13, 2018, St. Louis, MO—For young people, the teenage years are a time of exploration, navigating the gap between childhood and young adulthood. There are new responsibilities, pressures, and experiences. Romance and dating relationships are a part of this…

New Missouri Laws | 2017 Changes You Need to Know
By Laura Kaimann, MSW Student, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis The state of Missouri has just begun the 2018 legislative session. There’s no better time to look at changes to laws that came…

Meet Roosevelt Gilmore, Prevention Educator for Guys Groups
Where did you go to school, and what did you study? I attended Florida International University (FIU) and majored in Psychology. What do you love about working at Safe Connections? I like the importance of self-care that is promoted at…

13 Reasons Why Not
The Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, has been stirring up controversy ever since it’s release. Some experts are saying that its graphic displays of suicide and rape are not only triggering, but dangerous, especially considering the target audience is young…

New Grant to Increase Bystander Intervention
You’re at the store and you see a parent hit and scream at her child. Should you intervene? Research shows that most people would look the other way. In fact, experts don’t yet know the best way to handle these…